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. 2019 Apr 4;10(4):277. doi: 10.3390/genes10040277

Table 5.

Multivariate analysis considering for each pharmacological dependent variable covariate significant in the univariate analysis.

Azathioprine Related Pharmacological Phenotype (Dependent Variable) Independent Variable in Multivariate Generalized Linear Model Comparison Effect p-Value
Efficacy of azathioprine at the first metabolite measurement IBD type UC versus CD 1.96 0.0019
GSTM1 genotype Deletion versus Normal −1.49 0.019
GSTA1 genotype AA versus GG/GA −1.30 0.095
TPMT genotype AG versus GG 24.7 0.43
TGN metabolites concentrations IBD type UC versus CD 0.061 0.074
TPMT genotype AG versus GG 0.23 0.0049
MMPN metabolites concentration GSTM1 genotype Deletion versus Normal −0.21 0.014
TPMT genotype Heterozygous versus wild-type −0.72 0.0004
Azathioprine dose Age Each year −0.035 <0.0001
TPMT genotype Heterozygous versus wild-type −0.58 0.0056
Ratio TGN/dose TPMT genotype Heterozygous versus wild-type 0.41 0.0001
GSTM1 genotype Deletion versus Normal −0.072 0.055

GST: glutathione-S-transferase, IBD: inflammatory bowel disease, UC: ulcerative colitis, CD: Crohn’s disease, MMPN: methylated nucleotides, TGN: thioguanine nucleotides, TPMT: thiopurine-S-methyl transferase. The effect size represents the increase (positive value) or decrease (negative value) in the value of the dependent variable for each independent variable listed. p-values are from linear mixed-effect models.