Figure 3.
Catalytic performances for selective hydrogenation of a) 3‐nitrostyrene and b) cinnamaldehyde over Ni2P and SPhF‐Ni2P with different SPhF coverages (reaction condition: 70 °C, 200 min for 3‐nitrostyrene and 5 h for CAL); The TOF value was measured at 1 h. Arrhenius plot for the hydrogenation of c) 3‐nitrostyrene and d) cinnamaldehyde over Ni2P and SPhF‐Ni2P catalysts. e) Recycling test of SPhF‐Ni2P for hydrogenation of 3‐nitrostyrene and cinnamaldehyde. f) Catalytic performances for hydrogenation of 3‐nitrostyrene and cinnamaldehyde over Raney Ni and SPhF‐Ni (reaction condition: 120 °C, 200 min for 3‐nitrostyrene and 5 h for CAL). Catalytic performances for hydrogenation of 3‐nitrostyrene and cinnamaldehyde over g) Pt and SPhF‐Pt, h) Pd and SPhF‐Pd. (reaction condition: 40 °C, 10 min for 3‐nitrostyrene and 70 °C, 1 h for cinnamaldehyde in the case of Pt; 70 °C, 1 h for 3‐nitrostyrene and 100 °C, 1 h for cinnamaldehyde in the case of Pd).