Figure 5.
Distribution of haemoglobin- positive cells was detected by O-dianisidine staining at 72-hpf. (A) Representative images of O-dianisidine Stain concentrated on the yolk sac of the NC, RGOTi (400, 600 mg/L), and H2RGOTi (400, 600 mg/L). The images were captured using bright field microscopy, at 50×. (B) Quantification analysis of the erythrocytes number in the areas stained by o-dianisidine. Embryos treated with RGOTi, 600 mg/L showed a significant decrease in the hematopoietic activity as compared to NC. One-way ANOVA was used followed by the Dunnet test to compare the difference between the treated groups. n = 20, * p < 0.05