Table 5.
Proximate composition (g/kg DM; unless otherwise stated) of black soldier fly prepupae (BSFPs) reared on the control diet (C) or experimental diets (TMD1–TMD3).
Proximate Composition | C | TMD1 | TMD2 | TMD3 | SEM | p |
DM (g/Kg WW) | 333 ± 13 | 322 ± 7 | 344 ± 9 | 332 ± 7 | 4.7 | 0.443 |
ASH | 101 ± 31 | 55 ± 19 | 110 ± 15 | 89 ± 22 | 11.0 | 0.358 |
CP | 340 ± 10 A | 222 ± 18 B | 347 ± 18 A | 342 ± 11 A | 13.0 | <0.001 |
EE | 330 ± 6 B | 469 ± 18 A | 319 ± 15 B | 325 ± 17 B | 14.7 | <0.001 |
CPDEFATTED | 507 ± 14 A | 414 ± 19 B | 507 ± 17 A | 506 ± 5 A | 10.9 | <0.001 |
CT | 77 ± 8 | 96 ± 10 | 90 ± 5 | 93 ± 11 | 4.3 | 0.469 |
ROM | 243 ± 11 a | 208 ± 10 b | 233 ± 9 ab | 232 ± 9 ab | 5.3 | 0.105 |
DM = dry matter; WW = wet weight; CP = crude protein; CPDEFATTED = crude protein on defatted dry matter base; EE = ether extract; CT = chitin; ROM = residual organic matter calculated as [100 - (CP + EE + CT + Ash)]; SEM = standard error for the mean; A,B values within a row with different superscripts are significantly different at p < 0.01; a,b values within a row with different superscripts are significantly different at p < 0.05. TMD1: high-nonfiber carbohydrate content total mixed diet; TMD2: high-fiber content total mixed diet; TMD3: high-protein content total mixed diet.