Table 1.
Author, Year | Population | Ancestry | Country | N | Age * | CK Estimations | Outcome | Effect Size ¶ | ||
Resting † | Device | IFCC | ||||||||
BLOOD PRESSURE | ||||||||||
Brewster 2006 [6] | Random population sample | African Asian European | Netherlands | 1444 | 35–60 | Yes | Roche/Hitachi Systems | Yes ║ | CK associated with SBP and DBP |
CK T1 (<88) vs. CK T3 (≥145) SBP 122.5 (1.0) vs. 130.6 (0.9) DBP 79.2 (0.6) vs. 84.8 (0.6) |
Univariable SBP: + 13.9 [9.6 to 18.3]/log CK DBP: + 9.3 [6.8 to 11.9]/log CK | ||||||||||
Multivariable SBP + 8.0 [3.3 to 12.7]/log CK DBP + 4.7 [1.9 to 7.0]/log CK | ||||||||||
Johnsen 2011 [11] | Population sample | European | Norway | 12,776 | 30–87 | No ‡ | Modular P, Roche | Yes | CK associated with SBP and DBP |
CK T1 vs. CK T3 SBP 134.4 (0.4) vs. 138.2 (0.4) DBP 76.3 (0.2) vs. 79.8 (0.2) |
Multivariable SBP + 3.3 [1.4 to 5.2]/log CK DBP + 1.3 [0.3 to 2.3]/log CK | ||||||||||
Mels 2016 [15] | Teachers | African | South Africa | 405 | 45 (0.5) | No | Beckman UniCel DxC800; Konelab 20i | Yes | Only subgroup analysis | CK only associated with BP in women of European ancestry. Adjusted R2 = 0.46; β = 0.17; p = 0.03 |
Yen 2017 [17] | Population health survey | Asian | Taiwan | 4562 | 49 (0.2) | Yes | Modular P, Roche | Yes | CK associated with SBP and DBP |
CK Q1 (<69) vs. CK Q4 (≥128) SBP 118.6 (0.3) vs. 124.2 (0.3) DBP 73.1 (0.2) vs. 76.6 (0.2) |
Univariable SBP + 6.5 [5.2 to 7.7] CK/10 mmHg DBP + 10.1 [8.0 to 12.1] CK/10 mmHg | ||||||||||
Multivariable SBP + 1.68 CK/10 mm Hg | ||||||||||
HYPERTENSION | ||||||||||
Brewster 2008 [19] | Cases with hyperCKemia vs. population controls | European | Netherlands | 46 (controls 22,612) | 18–67 | Yes | Modular P, Roche | Yes ║ | High CK associated with hypertension |
Odds ratio of hypertension § Crude: 3.9 [2.2 to 6.9] Adjusted: 2.0 [1.1 to 3.8] |
Johnsen 2011 [11] | Population sample | European | Norway | 12776 | 30–87 | No‡ | Modular P, Roche | Yes | CK higher with HT | CK higher in persons using anti-HT drugs vs. no anti-HT drugs (104 vs. 99) |
Brewster 2013 [7] | Random population sample | African Asia European | Netherlands | 1444 | 35–60 | Yes | Roche/Hitachi Systems | Yes ║ | CK higher in HT vs. NT |
Odds ratio of hypertension CK T1 (<88) vs. CK T3 (≥145) HT prevalence: 26.8 vs. 41.2% Odds ratio 1.9 [1.5 to 2.5] |
CK in HT vs. controls CK 145.9 (7.0) HT vs. 126.8 (2.5) controls | ||||||||||
George 2016 [14] | Population study | African Asian European | USA | 10,096 | >20 | No | Beckman UniCel DxC800 | Yes | Only subgroup analysis |
Odds ratio of HT (CK dichotomized, ULN) ** Men: 1.2 [0.8 to 1.7] Women: 1.4 [1.0 to 2.1] |
Yen 2017 [17] | Population health survey | Asian | Taiwan | 4562 | 49 (0.2) | Yes | Modular P, Roche | Yes | CK higher in HT vs. NT |
CK in HT vs. controls CK +20.7 [15.8 to 25.6] in HT vs. controls |
Sukul 2018 [18] | Hypertensives vs. controls | Asian | India | 115 | 25–60 | Yes | Roche diagnostics | Yes ║ | CK higher in HT vs. NT |
CK in HT vs. controls CK 199.6 (16.4) HT vs. 72.7 (4.0) controls |
Sanjay Kumar 2013 [12] | Hypertensives vs. controls | Asian | India | 150 | 40–90 | No | NR | NR | CK MB higher in HT vs. NT |
CK MB in HT vs. controls 21.5 (4.0) HT vs. 17.2 (2.4) controls |
Emokpae 2017 [16] | Hypertensives vs. controls | African | Nigeria | 340 | 28–62 | No | Selectra Pro S | Yes | CK MB higher in HT vs. NT |
CK MB in HT vs. controls 51.6 (3.0) HT vs. 15.0 (0.8) controls |
Johnsen 2011 [11] | Population sample | European | Norway | 12776 | 30–87 | No ‡ | Modular P, Roche | Yes | CK not significantly higher in uncontrolled vs. controlled HT |
CK in controlled vs. uncontrolled HT 101 vs. 110 †† |
Brewster 2013 [7] | Random population sample | African Asian European | Netherlands | 1444 | 35–60 | Yes | Roche/Hitachi Systems | Yes║ | CK higher in uncontrolled vs. controlled HT |
CK in controlled vs. uncontrolled HT 124.3 (10.9) vs. 157.9 (9.4) |
Odds ratio of treatment failure CK T1 (<88) vs. CK T3 (≥145) HT treatment failure 46.7% vs. 72.9% Odds ratio 1.6 [1.3 to 1.9] | ||||||||||
Adjusted odds ratio treatment failure 3.7 [1.2 to 10.9]/log CK | ||||||||||
Luman 2015 [13] | Hypertensives | Asian | Indonesia | 82 | >18 | No | Roche/Hitachi cobas analyzer | Yes | CK higher in uncontrolled vs. controlled HT |
Mean CK in controlled vs. uncontrolled HT 81.8 (3.3) vs. 132.2 (6.2) |
High CK (T3 CK>109.33 U/L) Controlled hypertension 18.5% Uncontrolled hypertension 81.5% | ||||||||||
Sukul 2018 [18] | Hypertensives vs. controls | Asian | India | 115 | 25–60 | Yes | Roche diagnostics | Yes ║ | CK higher in uncontrolled vs. controlled HT |
CK in controlled vs. uncontrolled HT 99.6 (4.5) vs. 313.9 (22.5) |
Legend. Studies reporting plasma creatine kinase (CK) and blood-pressure outcomes. Blood pressure is in mm Hg and CK in (I)U/L. Where applicable, data are rounded to one decimal place. Data in square brackets are 95% confidence intervals, in parentheses are standard errors, and outcomes are significant at p < 0.05, unless stated otherwise. * Age (range or mean with SE) in years, † Test under resting conditions, as defined by the authors. ‡ Outcomes adjusted for habitual exercise. IFCC, CK estimated according to the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry guidelines [20], reported by 3 studies; ║ [6,7,18,19] we retrieved information regarding the method of CK estimation on the internet for other studies. NR, not reported. SBP, DBP, systolic, diastolic blood pressure; HT, hypertension (as defined by the author; generally, blood pressure > 139 systolic or 89 diastolic, or the use of antihypertensive drugs). NT, normotension. CKMB, CKMB isoenzyme; ¶ Multivariable analyses as reported, mostly including sex, age, and BMI, among other variables; T1, T3 low vs. high CK tertile; Q1, Q4 lowest vs. highest CK quartile; § High CK compared to population controls. ** ULN, upper limit of normal (334 in men, 199 in women) [14]. †† No SE reported, p = 0.1, direction (one or two-sided) not reported.