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. 2019 Apr 9;7(4):58. doi: 10.3390/medsci7040058

Table 1.

Table of Included Studies.

Author, Year Population Ancestry Country N Age * CK Estimations Outcome Effect Size
Resting Device IFCC
Brewster 2006 [6] Random population sample African Asian European Netherlands 1444 35–60 Yes Roche/Hitachi Systems Yes CK associated with SBP and DBP CK T1 (<88) vs. CK T3 (≥145)
SBP 122.5 (1.0) vs. 130.6 (0.9)
DBP 79.2 (0.6) vs. 84.8 (0.6)
SBP: + 13.9 [9.6 to 18.3]/log CK
DBP: + 9.3 [6.8 to 11.9]/log CK
SBP + 8.0 [3.3 to 12.7]/log CK
DBP + 4.7 [1.9 to 7.0]/log CK
Johnsen 2011 [11] Population sample European Norway 12,776 30–87 No Modular P, Roche Yes CK associated with SBP and DBP CK T1 vs. CK T3
SBP 134.4 (0.4) vs. 138.2 (0.4)
DBP 76.3 (0.2) vs. 79.8 (0.2)
SBP + 3.3 [1.4 to 5.2]/log CK
DBP + 1.3 [0.3 to 2.3]/log CK
Mels 2016 [15] Teachers African South Africa 405 45 (0.5) No Beckman UniCel DxC800; Konelab 20i Yes Only subgroup analysis CK only associated with BP in women of European ancestry.
Adjusted R2 = 0.46; β = 0.17; p = 0.03
Yen 2017 [17] Population health survey Asian Taiwan 4562 49 (0.2) Yes Modular P, Roche Yes CK associated with SBP and DBP CK Q1 (<69) vs. CK Q4 (≥128)
SBP 118.6 (0.3) vs. 124.2 (0.3)
DBP 73.1 (0.2) vs. 76.6 (0.2)
SBP + 6.5 [5.2 to 7.7] CK/10 mmHg
DBP + 10.1 [8.0 to 12.1] CK/10 mmHg
SBP + 1.68 CK/10 mm Hg
Brewster 2008 [19] Cases with hyperCKemia vs. population controls European Netherlands 46 (controls 22,612) 18–67 Yes Modular P, Roche Yes High CK associated with hypertension Odds ratio of hypertension §
Crude: 3.9 [2.2 to 6.9]
Adjusted: 2.0 [1.1 to 3.8]
Johnsen 2011 [11] Population sample European Norway 12776 30–87 No‡ Modular P, Roche Yes CK higher with HT CK higher in persons using anti-HT drugs vs. no anti-HT drugs (104 vs. 99)
Brewster 2013 [7] Random population sample African Asia European Netherlands 1444 35–60 Yes Roche/Hitachi Systems Yes CK higher in HT vs. NT Odds ratio of hypertension
CK T1 (<88) vs. CK T3 (≥145)
HT prevalence: 26.8 vs. 41.2%
Odds ratio 1.9 [1.5 to 2.5]
CK in HT vs. controls
CK 145.9 (7.0) HT vs. 126.8 (2.5) controls
George 2016 [14] Population study African Asian European USA 10,096 >20 No Beckman UniCel DxC800 Yes Only subgroup analysis Odds ratio of HT (CK dichotomized, ULN) **
Men: 1.2 [0.8 to 1.7]
Women: 1.4 [1.0 to 2.1]
Yen 2017 [17] Population health survey Asian Taiwan 4562 49 (0.2) Yes Modular P, Roche Yes CK higher in HT vs. NT CK in HT vs. controls
CK +20.7 [15.8 to 25.6] in HT vs. controls
Sukul 2018 [18] Hypertensives vs. controls Asian India 115 25–60 Yes Roche diagnostics Yes CK higher in HT vs. NT CK in HT vs. controls
CK 199.6 (16.4) HT vs. 72.7 (4.0) controls
Sanjay Kumar 2013 [12] Hypertensives vs. controls Asian India 150 40–90 No NR NR CK MB higher in HT vs. NT CK MB in HT vs. controls
21.5 (4.0) HT vs. 17.2 (2.4) controls
Emokpae 2017 [16] Hypertensives vs. controls African Nigeria 340 28–62 No Selectra Pro S Yes CK MB higher in HT vs. NT CK MB in HT vs. controls
51.6 (3.0) HT vs. 15.0 (0.8) controls
Johnsen 2011 [11] Population sample European Norway 12776 30–87 No Modular P, Roche Yes CK not significantly higher in uncontrolled vs. controlled HT CK in controlled vs. uncontrolled HT
101 vs. 110 ††
Brewster 2013 [7] Random population sample African Asian European Netherlands 1444 35–60 Yes Roche/Hitachi Systems Yes CK higher in uncontrolled vs. controlled HT CK in controlled vs. uncontrolled HT
124.3 (10.9) vs. 157.9 (9.4)
Odds ratio of treatment failure
CK T1 (<88) vs. CK T3 (≥145)
HT treatment failure 46.7% vs. 72.9%
Odds ratio 1.6 [1.3 to 1.9]
Adjusted odds ratio treatment failure
3.7 [1.2 to 10.9]/log CK
Luman 2015 [13] Hypertensives Asian Indonesia 82 >18 No Roche/Hitachi cobas analyzer Yes CK higher in uncontrolled vs. controlled HT Mean CK in controlled vs. uncontrolled HT
81.8 (3.3) vs. 132.2 (6.2)
High CK (T3 CK>109.33 U/L)
Controlled hypertension 18.5%
Uncontrolled hypertension 81.5%
Sukul 2018 [18] Hypertensives vs. controls Asian India 115 25–60 Yes Roche diagnostics Yes CK higher in uncontrolled vs. controlled HT CK in controlled vs. uncontrolled HT
99.6 (4.5) vs. 313.9 (22.5)

Legend. Studies reporting plasma creatine kinase (CK) and blood-pressure outcomes. Blood pressure is in mm Hg and CK in (I)U/L. Where applicable, data are rounded to one decimal place. Data in square brackets are 95% confidence intervals, in parentheses are standard errors, and outcomes are significant at p < 0.05, unless stated otherwise. * Age (range or mean with SE) in years, Test under resting conditions, as defined by the authors. ‡ Outcomes adjusted for habitual exercise. IFCC, CK estimated according to the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry guidelines [20], reported by 3 studies; [6,7,18,19] we retrieved information regarding the method of CK estimation on the internet for other studies. NR, not reported. SBP, DBP, systolic, diastolic blood pressure; HT, hypertension (as defined by the author; generally, blood pressure > 139 systolic or 89 diastolic, or the use of antihypertensive drugs). NT, normotension. CKMB, CKMB isoenzyme; Multivariable analyses as reported, mostly including sex, age, and BMI, among other variables; T1, T3 low vs. high CK tertile; Q1, Q4 lowest vs. highest CK quartile; § High CK compared to population controls. ** ULN, upper limit of normal (334 in men, 199 in women) [14]. †† No SE reported, p = 0.1, direction (one or two-sided) not reported.