A) Analysis of Pom1 and Cdr2 redistribution by spinning-disc confocal microscopy, as in
Kelkar and Martin (2015). Images are confocal micrographs of cells co-expressing Pom1-tdTomato and Cdr2-mNG in high (2%) or low (0.03%) glucose media. Scale bar, 5 µm. (
B) Cortical fluorescence intensity of Cdr2 and Pom1 was measured using line scans drawn around the circumference of the representative cell marked with an arrowhead in the 2% glucose portion of panel A. (
C) Cortical fluorescence intensity of Cdr2 and Pom1 was measured using line scans drawn around the circumference of the representative cell marked with an arrowhead in the 0.03% glucose portion of panel A.