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. 2019 May 17;20:98. doi: 10.1186/s13059-019-1704-5

Table 1.

Beetle genomes and transcriptomes included in the study. Taxonomic classifications are listed with data sources, as well as completeness (Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Ortholog, BUSCO, score, C = complete, S = complete single-copy, D = complete duplicated, F = fragmented, M = missing), number of predicted proteins, and number of orthologous groups (OGs) with genes from each species. The outgroup species used in the phylogeny, Stylops melittae, belongs to the order Strepsiptera, which is the sister group of Coleoptera [33]

Species Short form Suborder Family Type of assembly Accession Bioproject Source BUSCO score (1658 genes) Predicted proteins OrthoDB groups (OG)
Cicindela hybrida CHYBR Adephaga Carabidae Transcriptome GDMH01000000 PRJNA286505 1KITE, this study C: 90.4 [S: 84.9%, D: 5.5%], F: 3.4%, M: 6.2% 13,916 8111
Calosoma frigidum CFRIG Adephaga Carabidae Transcriptome GDLF01000000 PRJNA286499 1KITE, this study C: 78.3% [S: 73.5%, D: 4.8%], F: 9.8%, M: 11.9% 9844 6742
Elaphrus aureus EAURE Adephaga Carabidae Transcriptome GDPI01000000 PRJNA286520 1KITE, this study C: 92.4% [S: 85.9%, D: 6.5%], F:2.2%, M: 5.4% 12,808 8020
Noterus clavicornis NCLAV Adephaga Noteridae Transcriptome GDNA01000000 PRJNA286561 1KITE, Vasilikopoulos et al. [34] C: 90.9% [S: 84.1%, D: 6.8%], F: 4.4%, M: 4.7% 12,981 7918
Haliplus fluviatilis HFLUV Adephaga Haliplidae Transcriptome GDMW01000000 PRJNA286525 1KITE, Vasilikopoulos et al. [34] C: 91.8% [S: 76.3%, D: 15.5%], F: 4.3%, M: 3.9% 19,408 8528
Cybister lateralimarginalis CLATE Adephaga Dytiscidae Transcriptome GDLH01000000 PRJNA286512 1KITE, Vasilikopoulos et al. [34] C: 88.2% [S: 83.1%, D: 5.1%], F: 3.7%, M:8.1% 13,916 7256
Sinaspidytes wrasei SWRAS Adephaga Aspidytidae Transcriptome GDNH01000000 PRJNA286492 1KITE, Vasilikopoulos et al. [34] C: 87.0% [S: 76.7%, D: 10.3%], F: 4.0%, M: 9.0% 13,392 7721
Dineutus sp. DINEU Adephaga Gyrinidae Transcriptome GDNB01000000 PRJNA286516 1KITE, Vasilikopoulos et al. [34] C: 71.9% [S: 51.6%, D: 20.3%], F: 13.6%, M: 14.5% 14,644 7089
Gyrinus marinus GMARI Adephaga Gyrinidae Transcriptome GAUY01000000 PRJNA219564 1KITE, Misof et al. [35] C: 81.5% [S: 79.0%, D: 2.5%], F: 8.1%, M: 10.4% 13,867 7663
Aleochara curtula ACURT Polyphaga Staphylinidae Transcriptome GATW01000000 PRJNA219522 1KITE, Misof et al. [35] C: 91.4% [S: 87.5%, D: 3.9%], F: 4.0%, M: 4.6% 20,280 8513
Anoplophora glabripennis AGLAB Polyphaga Cerambycidae Genome GCF_000390285 PRJNA167479 I5k, McKenna et al. [21] C: 96.9% [S: 95.8%, D: 1.1%], F: 2.7%, M: 0.4% 22,035 10,959
Agrilus planipennis APLAN Polyphaga Buprestidae Genome GCF_000699045 PRJNA230921 I5k, unpublished C: 92.5% [S: 91.2%, D: 1.3%], F: 4.5%, M: 3.0% 15,497 9089
Dendroctonus ponderosae DPOND Polyphaga Curculionidae Genome GCF_000355655 PRJNA162621 Keeling et al. [36] C: 91.2% [S: 86.0%, D: 5.2%], F: 4.1%, M: 4.7% 13,457 8518
Leptinotarsa decemlineata LDECE Polyphaga Chrysomelidae Genome GCF_000500325 PRJNA171749 I5k, Schoville et al. [37] C: 88.9% [S: 87.5%, D: 1.4%], F: 9.9%, M: 1.2% 24,671 11,149
Laparocerus tessellatus LTESS Polyphaga Curculionidae Transcriptome 10.5281/zenodo.1336288 N/A This study, Seppey et al. [38] C: 93.8% [S: 91.9%, D: 1.9%], F: 1.4%, M: 4.8% 18,448 8616
Meloe violaceus MVIOL Polyphaga Meloidae Transcriptome GATA01000000 PRNJA219578 1KITE, Misof et al. [35] C: 90.3% [S: 85.6%, D: 4.7%], F: 5.9%, M: 3.8% 14,295 8480
Onthophagus taurus OTAUR Polyphaga Scarabaeidae Genome GCF_000648695 PRJNA167478 I5k, unpublished C: 96.2% [S: 93.9%, D: 2.3%], F: 2.5%, M: 1.3% 17,483 9315
Tribolium castaneum TCAST Polyphaga Tenebrionidae Genome GCF_000002335 PRJNA12540 Richards et al. [39] C: 97.0% [S: 96.5%, D: 0.5%], F: 1.6%, M:1.4% 16,645 9429
Stylops melittae SMELI Outgroup Stylopidae Transcriptome GAZM02000000 PRNJA219603 1KITE, Misof et al. [35] C: 76.5% [S: 55.0%, D: 21.5%], F: 7.1%, M: 16.4% 13,026 6104