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. 2019 May 17;20:98. doi: 10.1186/s13059-019-1704-5

Table 3.

Candidate orthologous groups (OGs) with CAFE overall p values < 0.01 for which a model favoring selection for larger sizes in Polyphaga showed a greater likelihood. OG identifiers for functional category cytochrome P450s (P450), carboxylesterases (CE), glutathione S-transferases (GST), and cysteine proteases (CYS) are from OrthoDB v8 (ODB8 ID). Akaike Information Criterion corrected for small sample size (AICc) values are reported for all tested models. BM1 (Brownian motion with a single rate for the whole tree), BMS (Brownian motion with different rates for each regime), OU1 (selection towards the same optimum for both regimes) all represent the null hypothesis. OUM (selection towards two optima, same variance) and OUMV (selection towards two optima, two variances) represent the alternative hypotheses. The mean values in each suborder (Adephaga vs. Polyphaga) are presented in the last two columns. Values in italics indicate the preferred (maximum likelihood) model. A delta AICc > 2 is required for H1 to be retained

Category ODB8 ID BM1 AICc H0.1 BMS AICc H0.2 OU1 AICc H0.3 OUM AICc H1.1 OUMV AICc H1.2 Mean Adephaga Mean Polyphaga
P450 EOG805VG7 148.37 153.21 143.35 148.10 137.95 34.13 34.47
CE EOG87DCWX 143.23 143.77 143.63 138.91 141.15 6.55 18.78
CE EOG8KD911 87.08 91.23 82.90 89.10 79.74 0.89 2.86
CE EOG876NDC 80.64 85.67 80.08 87.42 77.23 1.72 3.48
GST EOG87WR3Z 86.24 87.76 76.05 74.40 72.12 1.71 3.16
GST EOG81RS7Z 108.77 114.44 109.19 113.76 103.79 6.85 11.69
GST EOG85F05D 117.62 115.88 111.53 107.62 106.32 5.69 9.16
CYS EOG8JDKNM 91.85 91.62 89.74 85.66 88.25 1.80 3.78