Figure 8.
Influence of NOD2 and RIP2 on the functional response (gene clusters) of BMDM to Gram-negative Aa. Correlations of percentage of genes included in each functional annotation term and of the enrichment statistical values obtained from DAVID Chart Reports. The correlation plots measure the annotation agreement between genes up-regulated by stimulation with heat-killed Aa in WT, NOD2−/− and RIP2−/− macrophages. The gene hit percentages and enrichment P-values of top enriched terms between the lists of up-regulated genes show very strong overall correlation. There is a lower correlation between the data generated from WT and RIP2−/− macrophages, suggesting that inactivation of RIP2 has a more pronounced effect on the pathways modulated by heat-killed Aa in macrophages than the inactivation of NOD2. Overall, these data indicate that heat-killed Aa induces common mechanisms/pathways in macrophages from WT, NOD2-KO and RIP2-KO mice.