Table 2.
F values from ANOVA analysis of the data (roasting temperature versus time) of solvent extracted oils shown in Table 1 and 4
DF | Oil yield | PV | AV | CD | OSI | RSA | MUFA | PUFA | SFA | |
Roasting temperature | 2 | 562.82** | 36,419.13** | 16.07** | 407.24** | 2559.95** | 78.54** | 353.20** | 253.19** | 392.57** |
Roasting time | 2 | 552.98** | 151,741.96** | 30.34** | 727.09** | 5901.71** | 61.79** | 577.35** | 1075.11** | 1339.27** |
Interaction | 4 | 145.55** | 43,676.48** | 6.66** | 328.88** | 2638.95** | 81.62** | 143.35** | 69.10** | 100.12** |
DF degree of freedom, PV peroxide value, AV acid value, CD conjugated dienes, OSI oxidative stability index, RSA DPPH radical scavenging activity, MUFAs monounsaturated fatty acids, PUFAs polyunsaturated fatty acids, SFAs saturated fatty acids
∗∗p <0.005