Table 3.
F values from ANOVA analysis of the data (roasting temperature versus time) of mechanical extracted oils shown in Tables 1 and 4
DF | Oil yield | PV | AV | CD | OSI | RSA | MUFA | PUFA | SFA | |
Roasting temperature | 2 | 46.99** | 40,952.69** | 120.54** | 591.79** | 6660.95** | 84.51** | 299.30** | 138.20** | 365.78** |
Roasting time | 2 | 54.71** | 25,615.65** | 638.43** | 1612.31** | 13,435.63** | 113.36** | 436.92** | 246.17** | 1150.95** |
Interaction | 4 | 14.13** | 39,124.57** | 44.15** | 1004.35** | 3258.28** | 48.75** | 78.61** | 35.11** | 95.20** |
DF degree of freedom, PV peroxide value, AV acid value, p-AV p-anisidine value, CD conjugated dienes, OSI oxidative stability index, RSA DPPH radical scavenging activity, MUFAs monounsaturated fatty acids, PUFAs polyunsaturated fatty acids, SFAs saturated fatty acids
∗∗p <0.005