Fig. 1.
Mean plant metabolites (± standard errors) – total phenolics (Panel a), salicylic acid (Panel b), tremuloidin (Panel c), and populin (Panel d) concentrations (μg g−1 fresh weight (FW)) in root tissues among genotypes and soil origin. X-axes are ordered based on rank of salicylate concentrations in descending order (BESC-289 > BESC-414). Orange bars denote secondary metabolites from genotypes grown in Clatskanie soils, whereas green bars denote Corvallis soils. Letters denote significant differences calculated from Tukey HSD tests among genotypes and soil origins. Tremuloidin only differed between soil origins therefore additional panel is included representing the mean tremuloidin concentrations across all genotypes grown in Clatskanie versus Corvallis soils (Panel c). Note Panel d Y-axis is on a logarithmic scale