Daydreams during homework or home activities (e.g., stares off during activities; lost in his or her own thoughts during activities)
Alertness changes from moment to moment during homework or home activities (e.g., spaces in and out during activities; mind seems to drift off during activities and then return; zones in and out)
Absent-minded during homework or home activities (e.g., unaware of current activities or events going on in the home)
Loses train of thought during homework or home activities (e.g., suddenly seems to have lost what he or she was about to say or do during activities)
Easily confused during homework or home activities (e.g., gets confused working on activities; starts activities over again due to confusion)
Looks drowsy during homework or home activities even when he or she has had a good night’s sleep (e.g., seems sleepy, yawns) (NOTE: to the best of your knowledge, drowsiness is NOT due to sleep problems at night)
Thinking seems slow during homework or home activities (e.g., mind seems sluggish; slow to respond to questions; slow to make decisions or choices)
Behavior is slow during homework or home activities (e.g., moves at a slow pace; last to finish the activity; slow at routine activities)