Figure 3.
Adjusted difference in child BASC-2 clinical subscale scores at age 8 years with a 10-fold increase in gestational and childhood
Abbreviations: GM= Geometric mean, BASC-2= Behavioral Assessment for Children-2, BDI-II= Beck Depression Inventory-II, ADHD= attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder.
Separate gestational and childhood GM (measurement error corrected creatinine-standardized log10-transformed) urinary triclosan concentration linear regression models adjusted for log10-transformed serum cotinine concentrations (continuous), child sex (male vs. female)*, child race/ethnicity (White-non-Hispanic, Black-non, Hispanic, and other), household income (continuous), marital status (married vs. unmarried), maternal education (less than high school, high school graduate, and some college or greater), caregiving environment scores (continuous), BDI-II (continuous), and ADHD (continuous).
* Removed in sex-stratified models.
Error bars are 95% Confidence Intervals.