Read treatment |
FastQC |
Checks the integrity and quality of reads |
Fastq files |
Quality charts |
FastX toolkit, Flexbar, Trimommatic |
Filters or trims reads |
Fastq files |
Clean reads; reports |
Assembly |
Trinity, Trans-ABySS, Oases, SSP, IDBA-tran |
Assembles reads without reference |
Clean reads |
Assembled transcripts |
TOPHAT, STAR, HISAT, HISAT2 with stringTie |
Assembles reads with reference annotation |
Clean reads, genomic reference, reference annotation |
Assembled transcripts |
Transcript Classification |
BEDtools, glBase |
Checks overlap between coordinates |
BED, GTF, GFF files |
BED, GTF, GFF, report files |
BLAST, BLAT, GMAT, Augustus |
Homology based classification |
Fatsa files |
Alignments, reports |
CPAT, FEELnc, NRC, lncRScan-SVM |
Coding potential assessment |
GTF or fasta files; reference annotations (mRNA fasta or GTF and genomic fasta) |
Coding potential scores, reports |
Mapping |
Aligns reads to transcript or genes |
Reads; reference annotations (gtf) |
Alignments (bam, sam) |
Quantification |
RSEM, StringTie, bam-readcount, featureCount |
Estimates transcript abundance |
Alignment files |
Abundance estimates |
Sailfish, Salmon, Kallisto |
Estimates abundance without alignment |
Reads; reference annotations |
Abundance estimates |