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. 2018 Dec 28;123(5):877–890. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcy224

Table 5.

Characteristics of annual shoots of the trunk and annual lateral long shoots at the end of the growing season for apple cultivars ‘Ariane’, ‘Braeburn’ and ‘Fuji’ under WW and WS conditions. Statistical analyses were performed using linear models considering water treatment and cultivars and their interaction for each year separately. ANOVA was then used to assess the significance of each effect (ns, not significant, * 0.01 < P < 0.05, ** 0.001 < P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001). For each year, different letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) in post hoc comparisons

Year Cultivar Water treatment Annual shoots of the trunk Annual lateral long shoots
Metamer number Length Average diameter Metamer number Length Average diameter
(cm) (mm) (cm) (mm)
2016 ‘Ariane’ WW 66.22a 92.22a 11.59a 46.83a 69.68a 8.48a
WS 50.44b 68.67b 9.77b 34.81cd 51.30cd 7.69b
‘Braeburn’ WW 49.88c 62.13bcd 9.31bc 37.51bc 49.04de 7.25b
WS 40.00bc 55.44cd 9.23bc 32.53d 45.98e 7.20b
‘Fuji’ WW 46.56bc 69.56bcd 8.34c 38.89b 63.19b 7.59b
WS 38.38bc 61.38d 8.35c 33.52d 56.95c 7.12b
Water treatment effect *** ns ns *** *** *
Cultivar effect *** *** *** *** *** ***
Interaction ns ns ns ** ** ns
2017 ‘Ariane’ WW 49.00a 64.00a 8.57a 32.34a 46.20a 6.46a
WS 41.00a 52.67ab 7.67ab 29.43a 43.84a 6.27a
‘Braeburn’ WW 26.33b 43.00b 6.91ab 23.77b 33.45bc 5.51b
WS 22.33b 40.00b 6.00b 18.74c 28.77c 4.75bc
‘Fuji’ WW 25.67b 36.33b 6.01b 24.34b 37.11b 5.27b
WS 24.33b 38.33b 5.89b 18.34c 31.39bc 4.83bc
Water treatment effect ns ns ns *** * *
Cultivar effect *** * * *** *** ***
Interaction ns ns ns ns ns ns