(A to D) WT (N2) and CRISPR-modified
C. elegans strains expressing ric-8 with
alanine mutations at sites Ser467 or Ser472 were treated
with 10 μM phorbol ester or ethanol (vehicle) for 60 min. (A)
Representative images show the rod-like body posture phenotype of S467A and
S472A mutants on vehicle plates, as compared to the sinusoidal body posture of
N2 controls. Phorbol ester–exposed animals had a hyperflexive phenotypes
in N2 controls and S467A and S472A mutants, denoted by the omega-shaped body
postures. Red arrowheads denote eggs laid by ric-8 S467A
animals in response to phorbol ester. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. (B) The numbers of body
bends were quantified in freely moving animals over a 2-min period. (C) The
maximum bending amplitude was quantified as a measure of hyperflexion. (D) Track
length (forward + reverse movement) was quantified in freely moving animals for
2 min before and after 60-min phorbol ester treatment using WormLab acquisition
and analysis software. For all experiments, ten 1-day-old adults were assayed
per plate with 10 replicated plates per strain for all experiments. Statistical
significance was determined by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test.
**P < 0.005, ***P <