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. 2019 May 8;7(5):e1243. doi: 10.1002/aps3.1243
Species Country of origin Voucher/accession no. DNA quality Type of library preparation Probes used No. of passed reads Reference % reads mapped reference Average coverage depth Standard deviation % mismatch % reference uncovered % 10× % 50×
Oryza sativa Japan (no voucher) NIP – IRD Montpellier Band, >20 kbp Chloroplast enrichment Oryza sativa 17,129 KT289404.1 70.80 362.69 0.36 11.80 0.000 100.000 99.996
Shotgun None 151,234 KT289404.1 13.32 34.15 0.25 0.20 0.000 99.898 4.146
Oryza glaberrima Senegal (no voucher) CG14 – IRD Montpellier Band, >20 kbp Chloroplast enrichment Oryza sativa 81,361 KM088021.1 98.23 2033.68 0.43 9.60 0.019 99.934 99.295
Shotgun None 1,201,104 KM088021.1 7.94 99.56 0.44 1.80 0.034 99.546 88.834
Pennisetum glaucum Senegal (no voucher) PE01455 – IRD Montpellier Band, >20 kbp Chloroplast enrichment Oryza sativa 105,757 KJ490012.1 97.03 3318.44 0.39 10.20 0.000 99.992 99.981
Shotgun None 525,428 KJ490012.1 0.62 3.19 0.70 2.20 10.150 0.950 0.000
Digitaria exilis Mali (no voucher) CM05784 – IRD Montpellier Band, >20 kbp Chloroplast enrichment Oryza sativa 141,248 NC_024176.1 94.42 3311.87 0.29 11.40 0.000 100.000 99.700
Shotgun None 8,665,102 NC_024176.1 6.85 593.29 0.33 0.50 0.045 99.846 99.462
Podococcus acaulis Gabon Couvreur TLP 556 (WAG) Band, 15–20 kbp Chloroplast enrichment Podococcus barteri 249,416 NC_027276.1 15.72 497.68 0.47 10.20 0.454 96.163 93.096
Shotgun None 308,230 NC_027276.1 0.63 1.14 2.63 4.60 56.858 0.597 0.085
Raphia textilis Angola Lautenschläger 1086 (K) Slight degradation, 5–16 kbp Chloroplast enrichment Podococcus barteri 83,832 NC_020365.1 87.49 893.98 0.47 12.00 0.352 96.068 91.972
Shotgun None 57,007,740 NC_020365.1 0.92 381.41 3.77 6.20 0.200 99.018 98.258
Phytelephas aequatorialis Ecuador Couvreur 1191 (QCA) – TAGUA F1 Smear, 1–10 kbp fragments Chloroplast enrichment Podococcus barteri 202,924 NC_029957.1 79.04 1713.58 0.53 10.30 0.004 99.522 96.383
Shotgun None 699,918 NC_029957.1 3.65 22.68 1.58 3.50 0.000 95.083 1.380