No difference in MAdCAM-1 protein expression intensity was observed between vehicle and GPR4 antagonist 13 colon microvascular endothelial cells; however, differences in total number of MAdCAM-1 positive vessels were observed between the two treatment groups. Representative pictures of vehicle distal (A, C) compared to GPR4 antagonist 13 (B, D). Graphical representation of MAdCAM-1+ blood vessels per colon centimeter are depicted (E). Vehicle: N=21 (10 male/11 female) and GPR4 antagonist 13: N=19 (10male/9 female). Data are presented as mean ± S.E.M. and was analyzed for statistical significance using the t-test between vehicle and GPR4 antagonist 13 groups. (*** P < 0.001). 20× and 40× objective. Black arrow indicates microvasculature, purple arrow indicates lymphatic endothelial cell, yellow arrow indicates artery. Scale bar = 100μm.