Fig. 1.
[A] Schematic representation of platelet-derived microparticles (PMP) showing characteristic surface entities, with (A1) showing representative red fluorescence image of PE-anti-CD62P stained active platelets (stained for P-selectin, shown with blue arrows) shedding PMPs (shown with yellow arrows, and (A2) showing representative high resolution SEM image of active platelet shedding microparticle, with PMPs (shown with yellow arrows) visible as sub-micron vesicular structures; [B] Schematic representation of PMP-inspired nanovesicle (PMIN), with (B1) showing representative cryo-TEM image of PMINs developed for the studies; [C] Envisioned mechanism of targeted thrombolytic action using PMINs, where (C1) PMINs can actively anchor onto platelet-rich thrombi by virtue of heteromultivalent binding to integrin GPIIb-IIIa and P-selectin on active platelets, (C2) clot-bound PMINs get acted upon by sPLA2 enzymes secreted from leukocytes and active platelets in the thrombus milieu and (C3) drug released from degraded PMINs renders site-specific fibrinolysis.