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. 2019 Apr 25;15(4):e1006916. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006916

Table 1. ‘2316 ambiguous CircBase circRNAs’ on HeLa and Hs68 samples.

Dataset HeLa Hs68
Tools RNaseR- RNaseR+ Not depleted Percent (%) Enriched Percent (%) RNaseR- RNaseR+ Not depleted Percent (%) Enriched Percent (%)
CF 110 168 79 71.82 24 21.82 102 407 85 83.33 59 57.84
CE 110 167 79 71.82 24 21.82 103 407 86 83.50 60 58.25
CIRI 148 217 111 75.00 27 18.24 126 390 112 88.89 81 64.29
DCC 96 137 64 66.67 17 17.71 91 330 81 89.01 53 58.24
FC 82 91 41 50.00 11 13.41 52 227 40 76.92 32 61.54
KNIFE 170 199 111 65.29 25 14.71 131 395 109 83.21 73 55.73
MS 88 122 61 69.32 11 12.50 70 249 61 87.14 42 60.00
NCLS 34 37 19 55.88 3 8.82 23 100 16 69.57 11 47.83
PF 186 206 114 61.29 26 13.98 141 449 118 83.69 84 59.57
SG 178 213 105 58.99 23 12.92 137 366 80 58.39 56 40.88
UB 55 63 20 36.36 3 5.45 29 64 5 17.24 4 13.79

Note: Candidates with ≥ 2 supporting back-spliced junction reads were used in the analysis, and the number of supporting reads was normalized with sequencing depth before fold change calculation. After RNase R treatment, detected candidates with ≥ onefold enrichment was defined as ‘Not depleted’, while candidates with ≥ fivefold enrichment was regarded as ‘Enriched’. CF: circRNA_finder; CE: CIRCexplorer; FC: find_circ; MS: MapSplice; SG: Segemehl; NCLS: NCLScan; PF: PTESFinder; UB: UROBORUS.