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. 2019 Jan-Mar;12(1):49–55. doi: 10.25122/jml-2019-0001

Table 2:

Evolution under homeopathic therapy

Date Lab reports Symptoms Remedy Changes in conventional interventions
16/07/2015 Serum creatinine: 5.2 mg/dl Severe weakness
Lost appetite
Black discoloration of nails and skin since starting conventional treatment
Face edema
Weight loss in one year
Carcinosinum 30C, raised to 32C after one week and 33C after the next 10 days Dialysis reduced to once a week;
Withdrawal of immunosuppressive drugs
27/08/2015 Serum creatinine: 6 mg/dl
(initial response to medicine brought about encouraging results, so the dialysis was postponed a little resulting in the temporary rise)
Hb: 11.3 g%
Much more energy
Black discoloration of nails and skin reduced considerably
Increased urine output
Stop carcinosinum and wait Steroids slowly tapered
30/09/2015 Serum creatinine: 5.14 mg/dl
Blood pressure: 110/70mm Hg
Gained 2 kg
Appetite improved
Nil Withdrawal of antihypertensives
25/11/2015 Serum creatinine: 6.5 mg/dl Generally very well Nil Is on dialysis once in 10 days, advised to continue the same
20/01/2016 Serum creatinine: 4.3 mg/dl Gained 3.5 kg
Improved energy and appetite
Eruptions appeared on the left elbow (had them in the past)
Nil Dialysis reduced to once a fortnight
17/02/2016 Serum creatinine: 5.5 mg/dl Generally in good condition Nil Dialysis reduced to once a fortnight
17/03/2016 Serum creatinine: 5.6 mg/dl Emotionally stressed after her mother died
Developed acute lower respiratory tract infection - rattling cough, dyspnea, low appetite and energy
Ammoniacum gummi 30C Nil
13/04/2016 Serum creatinine: 4.7 mg/dl Generally very well Nil Nil
04/05/2016 Serum creatinine: 5.6 mg/dl
Blood urea: 95.5 mg/dl
Low appetite for 15 days with nausea
Weight reduced 1 kg
Leg cramps
Disturbed sleep
Occasional loose stools
Sulphur 200C Nil
01/06/2016 Serum creatinine: 4.9 mg/dl Nausea absence
Increased appetite
More energy
No loose stools
No leg cramps
Better sleep
Nil Nil
29/06/2016 Serum creatinine: 4.7 mg/dl Generally very well
Increased skin eruptions on the elbow
Dry skin, itching eczema on the right hand and knuckles
Nil Increased gap between dialysis
(one year after beginning homeopathy)
Serum creatinine: 4.5 mg/dl
RBC: 3.72X106/cmm
Hb: 11.6 g%
Weight increased by 2 kg
Improved energy and appetite
Eruptions increasing
Nil Nil
29/09/2016 Serum creatinine: 3.7 mg/dl Had fever for 2 days
Improved energy
Feels like before the onset of the disease
Skin eruptions still increasing on the knees
Nil Last dialysis on 24/08/2016 - AV fistula closed by accident and the patient did not return voluntarily for dialysis
Took two paracetamol tablets in between for a mild fever
01/12/2016 Serum creatinine: 3.4 mg/dl
Hb: 11.2 G%
RBC: 3.56X106/cmm
SPO2: 97%
Urine albumin ++
Nephrology assessment:
Edema - nil
Dyspnea - nil
Appetite - good
Urine - normal
CVS/CNS - normal
Blood pressure: 130/80 mm Hg
Nil No dialysis for 3 months
16/05/2017 Serum creatinine: 3 mg/dl
Hb: 10.9 g%
Urine albumin: traces
Generally very well
Skin eruptions are reducing
Nil Nil
03/11/2017 Serum creatinine: 2.7 mg/dl Reduced skin eruptions Nil Nil
No dialysis since 14.5 months