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. 2019 Mar 18;10(2):251–257. doi: 10.1007/s13193-019-00905-w

Table 1.

The demographic and clinical variables of the six patients

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Gender Female Male Female Female Female Male
Age 69 72 73 79 71 52
Site of primary tumor RCC (lt.) RCC (rt.) RCC (lt.) RCC (lt.) RCC (lt.) Rectal cancer
Pathological diagnosis of primary tumor N/A Clear cell carcinoma Clear cell carcinoma Clear cell carcinoma N/A Well-differentiated adenocarcinoma
Pathological stage of primary tumor N/A T1bN0M0 T1bN0M0 T2 N/A T3N2aM0
Interval from primary site resection 12 y 1 y and 4 m 14 y and 2 m 6 y and 3 m 15 y 6 y and 4 m
Location of pancreatic tumor Tail Tail Head/body/tail Head Tail Head
Tumor size 35 mm 26 mm 22/34/11 mm 31 mm 16 mm 33 mm
Vascularity Hyper Hyper N/A Hyper Hyper Ring-enhanced
Surgical procedure DP DP TP PD DP PD
Lymph node metastasis Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Morbidity Peptic ulcer Intra-abdominal abscess
Prognosis Alive Alive Alive Alive Alive Dead
Survival time after pancreatectomy 9 y and 5 m 1 y and 6 m 1 y and 6 m 1 y and 1 m 3 m 2 y and 5 m

RCC renal cell carcinoma, lt left side, rt. right side, N/A not available, y year(s), m month(s), DP distal pancreatectomy, TP total pancreatectomy, PD pancreatoduodenectomy