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. 2019 Mar 20;9(3):e025823. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025823

Table 1.

Timeline of participant enrolment, interventions, assessments and patient records data collection

Time point Enrolment Baseline Allocation MJ3 training session* 4-month follow-up 12-month follow-up
 Eligibility screen X
 Informed consent X
 Randomisation X
 My Journey 3 (intervention group) graphic file with name bmjopen-2018-025823ilf01.jpg
 TAU (all participants) graphic file with name bmjopen-2018-025823ilf02.jpg
 Socio-demographic information X X X
 Clinical service use X X X
 Social Outcomes Index X X X
 Mental Health Confidence Scale X X X
 The Process of Recovery Questionnaire X X X
 The DIALOG Scale X X X
 Service Engagement Scale (completed by EIP service clinicians) X X
 Qualitative interviews (with participants in the intervention group and supporting clinicians) X
Patient records data (from previous 12 months to time point)
 Number of admissions to acute mental health services X X
 Number of compulsory admissions to acute mental health services X X
 Total number of days in acute care X X
 Number of kept appointments with community mental health services X X
 Number of missed appointments with community mental health services X X
 Primary ICD-10 diagnosis X X
 Most recent care cluster X X
 Care Programme Approach status X X

*Participants in the intervention group only.

EIP, Early Intervention in Psychosis; ICD-10, Internal Classification of Diseases: 10th Revision; MJ3, My Journey 3; WEMWBS, Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale; PANSS, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; TAU, Treatment As Usual.