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. 2018 Oct 12;13(6):1245–1251. doi: 10.1017/S1751731118002537

Table 2.

The behavioral parameters of layer pullets measured during the preference test

Parameter Unit Definition
Daily time spent (DTS) h/pullet·per day Overall time spent in a compartment with a specific light color within a day
Daily percentage of time spent (DPTS) % DTS/12 h×100%
Daily times of visit (DTV) times/pullet·per day Number of visits to a compartment within a day
Duration per visit (DV) Min/visit DTS/DTV
Daily feed intake (DFI) g/pullet·per day Feed consumption within a day
Daily feeding time (DFT) h/pullet·per day Overall time spent at feeder within a day
Feeding rate (FR) g/min DFI/DFT
Distribution of pullet occupancy (DPO) % Percentage of birds in a compartment
Hourly time spent in compartment (HTS) Min/pullet·per hour Time spent in a compartment within each hour within a day