Effects of tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 (TFPI2) downregulating and upregulating in HTR‐8/SVneo cells, identification of TFPI2 as a suppressor in trophoblast cells. A, TFPI2 protein levels were detected after transfected with TFPI2 siRNAs or TFPI2 plasmid in HTR‐8/SVneo cells, the following is the quantitative. B, The TFPI2 mRNA expression were detected by qRT‐PCR. C, Transwell assays display that silence of TFPI2 promotes cell migration of HTR‐8/SVneo cells (n = 3). D, Quantitative analysis of C. E, EdU assays reveal that upregulation of TFPI2 inhibits cell growth, whereas downregulation of TFPI2 promotes cell proliferation of HTR‐8/SVneo cells. F, Quantitative analysis of E (**P < .01, *P < .05)