(A) Top diagram illustrating the paired and unpaired training protocols. The GCaMP6 response at 3-hour after training was assayed after exposure to a 2-min cold shock given at 2-hour after training by placing a plastic vial containing the trained flies in ice water. For the paired training group: flies received CS+ odor with electrical shocks, followed by exposure to the CS- odor without electrical shock. CS- odor was applied after a 1-min exposure to fresh air. For the unpaired training group: flies received CS+ odor without electrical shock, followed by exposure to the CS- odor without electrical shock, and the electrical shocks were applied 1-min later after CS- odor. Odor/shock paired training induced an increase in the proportion of odor responsive αβ neurons to the conditioned (CS+) odor, but not the unconditioned (CS-) odor 3 hours after training, compared to the unpaired training group. The proportion of odor responsive αβ neurons to the CS+ odor was reduced after treatment with the gap junction blocker CBX (MCH as CS+ odor; OCT as CS- odor). *, p < 0.05; one-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey’s test. Genotype: C739-GAL4/UAS-GCaMP6m; +/+. (B) Odor/shock paired training (control group) induced an increase in the GCaMP6 responses in the α-lobe axonal branch of the MB neurons to the training odor [OCT-trained flies: OCT (CS+), MCH-trained flies: MCH (CS+)], and this increase was abolished with CBX treatment (row 2, +CBX) or C739-GAL4 > UAS-inx5RNAi(v6950) flies (row 4, inx5RNAi group). The GCaMP6 responses were recorded 3 hours after training with a 2-min cold shock given at 2-hour postconditioning. (C) Quantification of the enhanced GCaMP6 responses to the training odor (CS+) relative to the non-training odor (CS-) in the α-lobe in OCT-trained (left panel) or MCH-trained (right panel) flies. The recordings were performed in the α-lobe tips. The Log ratios of the CS+ response to the CS- response were calculated using the peak response amplitudes. Each value represents the mean ± SEM (n = 8–10). *, p < 0.05; one-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey’s test. Genotypes: (1) C739-GAL4/UAS-GCaMP6m; +/+, (2) C739-GAL4/UAS-GCaMP6m; UAS-inx5RNAi(v6950)/+.