Figure 2.
STAT3 and phosphorylated STAT3 were regulated by Stattic and Olanzapine in both ECs and ASCs. A, Western blot showed that in both ECs and ASCs, protein levels of STAT3 and p‐STAT3 were decreased by Stattic and increased by Olanzapine. B, C, Quantification of STAT3 (B) and p‐STAT3 (C) in co‐cultured ECs was done by OD method. Data shown were representative of three independent experiments (n=3). *Significant difference with respect to normal control (P<.05). D, E, Quantification of STAT3 (D) and p‐STAT3 (E) in ASCs was done by OD method. Data shown were representative of three independent experiments (n=3). *Significant difference with respect to normal control (P<.05)