Hes1 was a direct gene of miR‐1297 in the neural stem cells (NSCs). A, miR‐1297 has a potential target site in the 3′UTR of Hes1 by using the Targetscan bioinformatics software. B, The expression of miR‐1297 was detected by using the qRT‐PCR method. C, Overexpression of miR‐1297 suppressed the Hes1 mRNA expression in the NSCs. D, The protein expression of Hes1 was measured by Western blot. E, The luciferase activity was inhibited in the wild‐type (WT) 3′UTR of Hes1, and the luciferase activity of the mutation putative (MuT) miR‐1297 target site was not changed **p<0.01.