Figure 5. The most specific split-GAL4 lines for identified LHINs.
Array of projections of the best split-GAL4 line for each LHIN cell-type and where available, a neuron from that class traced in the EM volume (inset, black represents tracing, red the lateral horn, blue and brown the single neuron labelling, Nern et al., 2015). Each split-GAL4 line is expressing csChrimson::mVenus in attP18, and has nc82 as neuropil stain (magenta). Each image is registered to JFRC2010, while the EM data is registered to JFRC2013. The cell-type labelled is in the top left of each panel, while the panel number and line code is listed on the bottom left. All cell-types are organized by principle fast neurotransmitter (GABA or acetylcholine). Cell-types that stained positive for more than one neurotransmitter are labelled with an asterix in the top right. For LHINs, we named the majority according to their main region of dendritic arborization using the shorthand defined in Ito et al. (2014). See for image data.