Magi-1 knockdown decreases NaV1.8 plasma membrane expression. A) Representative whole-cell voltage clamp current traces of total INa and TTX-resistant INa in cultured DRG neurons 3 d after transfection with Magi-1–targeting siRNA or nontargeting scrambled siRNA. B) Current density analysis of INa with different conditions. Sodium currents in neurons were recorded in either the presence or absence of 250 nM TTX. The total and TTX-resistant INa was significantly reduced after siRNA-mediated Magi-1 knockdown in cultured DRG neurons. A total of 9–12 cells per experimental group were analyzed, and values are expressed as means ± sem. C) Quantification of peak INa and TTX-resistant peak INa (at voltage step −20 mV) after Magi-1 knockdown. A total of 9–12 cells per experimental group were analyzed, and values are expressed as means ± sem [ANOVA, F(3,26) = 66.24]. *P < 0.0106, ***P < 0.001 vs. respective controls (scrambled siRNA with or without TTX). D) Representative immunoblots from surface biotinylation experiments of DRG neurons depicting reduced NaV1.8 surface expression after Magi-1 knockdown (left). Quantification of NaV1.8 surface expression is shown on the right. For quantification, 4 independent DRG cultures per experimental condition were analyzed, and values are expressed as ± sem [ANOVA, F(2,6) = 7.319]. *P < 0.05 vs. respective controls.