Fig. 6.
Vglut2-positive neurons undergo training-dependent plasticity. a Schematic of ChR2-eYFP injection in the RN of Vglut2-CRE mice and patch-clamp recording. b Timeline. c, d Rectification index vs cell capacitance (c) with example traces (n = 6–11 cells/group) in d. e–g Rectification index (e), 2W-ANOVA F(1,26) = 22.72, P < 0.0001 and corresponding I/V curves in f and g (n = 5–11 cells/group). h Example EPSC traces before and after bath-application of NASPM (n = 8 cells/group). i Effect of NASPM on Rectification index. j NASPM inhibitory effect. All data are reported as mean and SEM. Results obtained from control mice are displayed in blue (ctrl) whereas data obtained from trained mice (train) are shown in orange. Filled symbols represent data recorded from Vgut2-positive neurons and open symbols are data recorded from Vglut2-negative cells