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. 2019 May 15;10:1080. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01080

Table 4.

Within and between effects/interactions of the multiple ANCOVA for all the variables as a function of efficiency in the suppression of no longer relevant words.

ANCOVA (covariates Age, Accumulated practice, Current practice)

Source of Variation N MS df F p-Value ηp2 Power
Panel A. Proportion of SR error (Errors)
Between subjects
    Age 74 0.00 1 0.03 0.875 0.00 0.06
    Accumulated practice 74 0.01 1 0.16 0.689 0.00 0.07
    Current practice 74 0.01 1 0.17 0.685 0.00 0.07
    Group 74 0.06 1 1.53 0.220 0.02 0.23
Within subjects
    Errors 74 0.00 1 0.15 0.699 0.00 0.07
    Errors × Age 74 0.01 1 0.27 0.607 0.00 0.08
    Errors × Accumulated practice 74 0.01 1 0.23 0.630 0.00 0.08
    Errors × Current practice 74 0.01 1 0.25 0.619 0.00 0.08
    Errors × Group 74 0.11 1 3.88 0.050 0.05 0.50
Panel B. Global SR (SR)
Between subjects
    Age 74 0.00 1 0.02 0.881 0.00 0.05
    Accumulated practice 74 0.03 1 0.23 0.634 0.00 0.08
    Current practice 74 0.05 1 0.42 0.521 0.01 0.10
    Group 74 0.23 1 1.90 0.172 0.03 0.28
Within subjects
    SR 74 0.00 1 0.01 0.925 0.00 0.05
    SR × Age 74 0.00 1 0.05 0.823 0.00 0.06
    SR × Accumulated practice 74 0.00 1 0.13 0.723 0.00 0.06
    SR × Current practice 74 0.00 1 0.29 0.593 0.00 0.08
    SR × Group 74 0.03 1 4.82 0.031 0.06 0.58
Panel C. Tempo maintenance (T maint.)
Between subjects
    Age 74 0.00 1 0.00 0.985 0.00 0.05
    Accumulated practice 74 0.00 1 0.04 0.837 0.00 0.06
    Current practice 74 0.02 1 0.26 0.613 0.00 0.08
    Group 74 0.09 1 1.29 0.260 0.02 0.20
Within subjects
    T maint. 74 0.00 1 0.06 0.815 0.00 0.06
    T maint. × Age 74 0.00 1 0.05 0.825 0.00 0.06
    T maint. × Accumulated practice 74 0.01 1 0.42 0.518 0.01 0.10
    T maint. × Current practice 74 0.10 1 3.60 0.062 0.05 0.47
    T maint. × Group 74 0.01 1 0.36 0.552 0.01 0.09
Panel D. Rhythmic accuracy (Rhythm)
Between subjects
    Age 74 0.01 1 0.08 0.784 0.00 0.06
    Accumulated practice 74 0.04 1 0.50 0.483 0.01 0.11
    Current practice 74 0.21 1 2.37 0.128 0.03 0.33
    Group 74 0.26 1 2.90 0.093 0.04 0.39
Within subjects
    Rhythm 74 0.00 1 0.05 0.833 0.00 0.06
    Rhythm × Age 74 0.00 1 0.16 0.695 0.00 0.07
    Rhythm × Accumulated practice 74 0.01 1 0.33 0.567 0.01 0.09
    Rhythm × Current practice 74 0.00 1 0.24 0.627 0.00 0.08
    Rhythm × Group 74 0.07 1 4.86 0.031 0.07 0.59
Panel E. Pitch accuracy (Pitch)
Between subjects
    Age 74 0.01 1 0.07 0.797 0.00 0.06
    Accumulated practice 74 0.03 1 0.27 0.606 0.00 0.08
    Current practice 74 0.05 1 0.40 0.531 0.01 0.10
    Group 74 0.15 1 1.15 0.287 0.02 0.19
Within subjects
    Pitch 74 0.03 1 2.34 0.131 0.03 0.33
    Pitch × Age 74 0.04 1 2.77 0.102 0.04 0.37
    Pitch × Accumulated practice 74 0.04 1 2.93 0.091 0.05 0.38
    Pitch × Current practice 74 0.03 1 2.21 0.142 0.03 0.31
    Pitch × Group 74 0.04 1 3.04 0.086 0.04 0.40
Panel F. Articulation accuracy (Artic.)
Between subjects
    Age 74 0.00 1 0.00 0.954 0.00 0.05
    Accumulated practice 74 0.01 1 0.06 0.808 0.00 0.06
    Current practice 74 0.01 1 0.07 0.786 0.00 0.06
    Group 74 0.28 1 1.85 0.179 0.03 0.27
Within subjects
    Artic. 74 0.00 1 0.07 0.799 0.00 0.06
    Artic. × Age 74 0.00 1 0.13 0.719 0.00 0.07
    Artic. × Accumulated practice 74 0.01 1 0.48 0.493 0.01 0.10
    Artic. × Current practice 74 0.04 1 3.11 0.082 0.04 0.41
    Artic. × Group 74 0.13 1 11.93 0.001∗∗ 0.15 0.93
Panel G. Expressiveness (Express.)
Between subjects
    Age 42 0.16 1 2.70 0.114 0.06 0.36
    Accumulated practice 42 0.08 1 1.38 0.253 0.03 0.21
    Current practice 42 0.07 1 1.12 0.371 0.01 0.17
    Group 42 0.12 1 2.00 0.164 0.04 0.28
Within subjects
    Express. 42 0.06 1 1.69 0.201 0.04 0.25
    Express. × Age 42 0.08 1 2.35 0.133 0.05 0.32
    Express. × Accumulated practice 42 0.09 1 2.79 0.104 0.06 0.37
    Express. × Current practice 42 0.07 1 2.12 0.118 0.05 0.35
    Express. × Group 42 0.01 1 0.19 0.668 0.00 0.07

Significant results are in bold (p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01). Group: efficient and less efficient participants; MS: main square sum; df: degrees of freedom.