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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 May 22.
Published in final edited form as: Curr Transplant Rep. 2019 Jan 26;6(1):16–25. doi: 10.1007/s40472-019-0227-z

Table 1:

Summary of recent studies of frailty and outcomes after kidney transplantation, adopted from 42.

Reference, year Study design and Participants Frailty measure, timing and prevalence Outcome/s associated with frailty Other key findings Study limitations
Garonzik-Wang, Arch Surg 201248 Prospective cohort
Single center
12/2008 –4/2010
N=183 (35% LDKTx)
Fried Frailty Score 3–5 at the time of admission for transplant
Frailty at KTx: 25.1%
DGF: 30% vs 15% in frail vs non-frail, aHR 1.131.963.36 Deceased donor serum creatinine level and cold ischemia time was also associated with DGF. Single center Observational Small sample size
McAdams-Demarco, AJT 201311 Retrospective cohort
Single center
12/2008 –12/2012
N=383 (39% LDKTx)
Fried Frailty Score 3–5 at the time of admission for transplant
Frailty at KTx: 18.8%
Early (within 30 days) hospital readmission (EHR): 46% vs 28% in frail vs non-frail, aRR 1.181.61 2.19. Frailty improved EHR risk prediction by improving the area under the ROC curve and the net reclassification index. Single center Observational Frail sample included more men (71% vs 58%, P=0.046)
McAdams-Demarco, JAGS 201533 Prospective cohort
Single center
12/2008 –3/2014
N=349 (37% LDKTx)
Cohort overlaps with other McAdams studies
Fried Frailty Score 3–5 at the time of admission for transplant
Frailty at KTx: 19.8%
Change in frailty score after KTx: The only risk factor associated with improvement in frailty score was pre-KT frailty (aHR 1.712.553.82). Pre-KT frailty status, diabetes mellitus, and DGF were independently associated with long-term changes in frailty score. Single center Observational Short follow up
McAdams-Demarco Transplantation 201725 Prospective cohort
Single center
Cohort overlaps with other McAdams studies
Fried Frailty Score 3–5 at the time of admission for transplant
Frailty at KTx: 19.5%
3 yr death: Associated with combinations of exhaustion and slowed walking speed (HR 1.172.435.03) and poor grip strength, exhaustion, and slowed walking speed (HR 1.142.615.97). Frailty associated with older age (adjusted prevalence ratio aPR IADL disability (1.723.226.06), depression (3.0211.3131.82), less than high school education (1.303.107.36), and low HRQOL (1.483.719.31). Single center Observational
McAdams-Demarco, Transplantation 201834 Prospective cohort
2 US centers
N=443 (34.8% LDKTx)
Updated cohort from prior McAdams studies.
Fried Frailty Score 3–5 at the time of admission for transplant HRQOL: physical and kidney-disease specific elements are worse in frail recipients, but mental elements are similar.

HRQOL change at 3 months post-KTx:
• change in physical element 1.35 vs 0.34 points per month in frail vs non-frail
• kidney disease-specific: 3.75 vs 2.41 points per month in frail vs non-frail
Observational Single instrument Short follow-up Unclear testing protocol
Nastasi, Transplantation 201827 Prospective cohort
2 US centers
Cohort overlaps with prior McAdams study
Fried Frailty Score 3–5 at the time of admission for transplant
Lower extremity functional impairment using Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) at the time of admission for transplant
Death: associated with lower extremity functional impairment (aHR 1.122.304.74), after adjustment of other risk factors including Fried Frailty Score. Observational
Alhamad ATC abstract 201626 Retrospective cohort
Single center
6 minute walk test (6MWT) <1000ft Graft failure & death: 6MWT <1000ft not associated with graft failure or patient death at 1, 3, and 5 years. At 10 years, short 6MWT <1000ft associated with graft failure (aHR but not death. Single center Observational
Lynch, Ann Surgery 201622 Registry based: linkage of USRDS & Medicare claims.
N=37,623 (Medicare-insured)
1/2000 –12/2010
Hospitalization days within 1 year before KTx:
0: 51%
1–7: 25%
8–14: 11%
5+: 13%
Admission in 1 yr after KTx: grade association with pre-KTx hospitalization (aHR
3yr death: grade association with pre-KTx hospitalization (aHR 1.201.421.70).
3yr graft loss: grade association with pre-KTx hospitalization (aHR 1.151.301.44).
Hospitalization associated with female, prior KTx recipients, diabetic, CHF, atherosclerotic vascular disease, and COPD.

Pre-KTx hospitalization associated with greater length of stay during transplant admission and greater service needs at discharge.
Observational Registry data Medicare only
Lynch, AJT 20179 Registry based: linkage of USRDS & Medicare.
N=51,111 (wait-listed KTx candidates)
Hospitalization days in the 1st year of wait-list:
0: 47%
1–7: 23%
8–14: 12%
15+: 19%
Death on waitlist: grade association with pre-KTx hospitalization (aHR 1.241.492.07).
Survival benefit of KTx vs staying on waitlist: Significant across all grades of pre-KTx hospitalization. Predictive model using admissions while on waitlist alone had higher accuracy for post-listing mortality than EPTS.
Hospitalization associated w same risk factors as the prior Lynch study. Observational Registry data Medicare only
Terjimanian, Clin Transplant 201726 Retrospective cohort
Single center
2005 – 2014
Morphometric age: calculated through analytic morphomics on CT scan within 1 yr pre-KTx Death: associated with morphometric age (HR per year) but not chronologic age. In chronologically oldest patients, those with younger morphometric age had greater survival rates. Observational Single center Small sample size single center Surrogate measure not established in ESRD

CHF, congestive heart failure; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; EPTS, expected post-transplant survival; KTx, kidney transplant; LDKTx, living donor kidney transplant; SR, self-report; PF, physical function; USRDS, United States Renal Data System; aRR, adjusted risk ratio; aHR, adjusted hazard ratio