Figure 2.
Correlation between the contents of CD39 and CD73 in the cytologies of CIN-1 patients and NDs. A positive (r) correlation between the TED values of CD39 and CD73 is shown for (a) NDs free of HPV infection (open circles) (r = 0.6298, P < 0.001) and (b) CIN-1 patients (r = 0.7654, P < 0.001). The contents of CD39 and CD73 are indicated in samples from CIN-1 patients positive for HPV-16 (HPV-16, black diamonds), patients with coinfection with HPV-16 and other HPV types (HPV-16+CI, black and white diamonds), and CIN-1 patients negative for HPV-16 (HPV-16neg, white diamonds). TED: total expression density.