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. 2019 May 15;9(5):e027362. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-027362

Table 1.

Description of measures

Item N No. of Items % of doctors with present symptom/M (SD) Recoding (if applicable) Measure Measure/original scoring
Sleep disturbances
 Difficulty falling asleep 390 1 22 0, 1—symptom absent; 2,3,4—symptom present Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) 0 (scores showing no insomnia) to
4 (showing severe insomnia)
 Difficulty staying asleep 390 1 35
 Sleep problems interfere with daily functioning 389 1 35
 Worried or distressed about a current sleep problem 390 1 20
 Dissatisfied with sleep pattern 390 1 44 0, 1, 2—symptom absent (2 is included as it means ‘unsure’); 3, 4—symptom present
 Think about work when they go to bed 417 1 61 0, 1—symptom absent; 2, 3—symptom present Effort-Reward scale 1 (strongly disagree) to
4 (strongly agree)
 Trouble sleeping if they postpone tasks 416 1 49
 Insomnia 390 7 11 ≤14—symptom absent (no, subthreshold insomnia); ≥15—symptom present (moderate, severe insomnia) 31 ISI 7 items; 0 (scores showing
no insomnia) to 4 (showing
severe insomnia)
Substance use
 Substance use in order to feel better 392 1 34 1—symptom absent; 2, 3, 4—symptom present The Brief COPE 1 (I usually do not do this) to
4 (I usually do this a lot)
 Substance use in order to get through something 393 1 22
 Frequency of drinking alcohol 386 1 53 1, 2, 3—not drinking or drinking less than two to three times a week; 4, 5—drinking two to three times a week or more often Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test 1 (never/1–2) to 5 (daily/>10)
 Quantity of drinks on typical day of drinking 362 1 27 1—drinking 1, 2 drinks; 2, 3, 4, 5—drinking three or more drinks
 Drink six or more drinks on one occasion 373 1 44 1—never; 2, 3, 4, 5—binge-drinking
 Alcohol dependence 377 5 5 Substance abuse was identified if any of the items were answered ‘yes’ 25 The Patient Health Questionnaire 0 (no) and 1 (yes)
 Drug use 380 22 44 Drug use was identified if any of the items were answered ‘yes’ Commonly Abused Drugs 22 items; 0 (no) and 1 (yes)
Physical symptoms
 Fatigue 390 1 69 1, 2—symptom absent; 3, 4, 5—symptom present The Physical Symptom Inventory 1 (not at all) to 5 (every day)
 Upset stomach or nausea 390 1 19
 Backache 390 1 33
 Headaches 390 1 27
 Acid indigestion or heartburn 390 1 23
 Eye strain 390 1 29
 Diarrhoea 390 1 12
 Ringing in the ears 390 1 13
 Stomach cramps 389 1 8
 Constipation 390 1 4
 Loss of appetite 390 1 7
 Dizziness 390 1 8
Eating problems
 Eating large amounts of food when not physically hungry 316 1 35 N/A The Binge Eating Scale 0 (no) and 1 (yes)
 Eat until feeling uncomfortably full 316 1 31
 Eat alone because they feel embarrassed 315 1 24
 Feel disgusted with themselves, depressed or very guilty after overeating 316 1 28
 Feel upset about their uncontrollable eating or weight gain 316 1 29
 Binge-eating 316 9 8 Please see30 details for coding The Binge Eating Scale 8 items—0 (no) and 1 (yes); 1 question—0 to 7 days
Predictor variables
 Burnout: emotional exhaustion 406 8 55 (M=3.16; SD=1.34) Recoded for prevalence:
<27—symptom absent; ≥27—symptom present35
Maslach Burnout Inventory 9 items; 0 (never) to 6 (every day)
 Psychiatric morbidity 393 12 33 (M=2.19; SD=0.55) Recoded for prevalence:
0, 1 into 0 and 2, 3 into 2; and
<4—symptom absent;
≥4—symptom present34
General Health Questionnaire-12 12 items; 0 (better than usual/not
at all) to 3 (much less
than usual/much less capable)
 Effort scale 415 3 M=3.3 (SD=0.6) N/A Effort-Reward scale 3 items; 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree)
 Work-family Imbalance 416 5 M=5.26 (SD=1.38) N/A Work-Family Conflict scale 5 items; 0 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree)
 Coping: substance use 392 2 M=2.33 (SD=0.88) N/A The Brief COPE 2 items; 1 (I usually do not do this) to 4 (I usually do this a lot)
 Coping: self-blame 393 2 M=1.37 (SD=0.61) N/A

N/A, not available.