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. 2019 May 15;10:1034. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01034

Table 2.

Sequence type, antibiotic genetic determinant, and phylo-group of fecal and water isolates that had blactx-M or blaCMY -2, blatem or blashv genes.

Strain Round ST ESBL phenotype Resistance Phenotype AR Genes Phylo-grou
F4.1 Rl ST 2614 ND AMP-AMC-CTX blatem B2
F7.1 Rl ST5914 Negative AMP-AMC-CF-N blatem Bl
F2.7 Rl ST8371 Negative AMP-AMC blatem D
F11.l R2 ST131 CAZ,CTX,CRO, FOX, CF AMP-CTX-CF-XNL-S-SXT-T blactx, strA, sul1, tet (A), tet(M) B2
F11.2 R2 ST131 CAZ,CTX,CRO, FOX, CF AMP-CAZ-CF-XNL-S-SXT-T blactx, strA, str B, sul1, tet(A), tet (B), tet (M) B2
F13.1 R2 ST131 CAZ,CTX,CRO, FOX, CF AMP-CAZ-CF-XNL-NA-S-SPT-SXT-T blactx, str A, str B, sul1, tet(A) B2
F13.2 R2 ST131 CAZ,CTX,CRO, FOX, CF AMP-CAZ-CF-XNL-S-SPT-SXT-T blactx, str A, str B, sul1, tet(A), tet (M) B2
F14.1 R2 ST 58 ND No resistance No resistance Bl
F15.2 R2 ST131 CAZ,CTX,CRO, FOX, CF AMP-CAZ-XNL-N–S-SXT-SPT-T blactx-M, str A, str B, sul1, tet (A), tet (M), tetB B2
F16.2 R2 ST131 CAZ,CTX,CRO, FOX, CF AMP-CAZ-CF-XNL-NA-SXT-T blactx-M, blaCMY -2, str A, str B, sul1, tet(A), B2
F20.3∗∗ R2 ST68 CAZ,CTX,CRO, FOX,CF AMP-AMC-CAZ-XNL-N-S-T blactx, blaCMY -2, blashv, str A, str B, tet(A) F
F27.2∗∗ R2 ST68 CAZ,CTX,CRO, FOX, CF AMP-AMC-CAZ-XNL-T blactx, blaCMY -2, blatem, tet (A) tet (M) F
F31.1 R2 unknown Negative AMP-AMC-CTX-XNL- blaCMY -2_ strB, tet(B), B2
F32.1 R2 ST10 Negative AMP-CAZ-XNL-C-NA-S-T blaCMY -2, str A, tet (A) A
F34.2 R3 ST7348 Negative AMP-AMC-XNL-C BlaCMY -2 tet (M) Bl
F35.2 R3 ST2541 CAZ,CTX,CRO AMP-CAZ blactx A
F 42.2 R4 Unknown Negative AMP-AMC-CAZ-XNL-NA-N-S blaCMY -2 strB Bl
F43.1 R4 ST7207 Negative AMP-AMC-XNL-C-NA-N-S-T blaCMY -2 strB, tet(B), tet(M) A
F44.2 R4 Unknown Negative AMP-CAZ-XNL-NA-N blaCMY E
F46.2 R4 ST357 Negative AMP-CAZ-NA-N-S-T blaCMY -2 strB, tet(B) B2
F47.2 R4 ST58 Negative AMP-AMC-XNL-ENO-NA-N-S blaCMY -2, blatem, str A Bl
F48.1 R4 ST3727 Negative AMP-AMC-XNL-NA-N blaCMY -2 C
F52.2 R5 ST195 Negative AMP-AMC-CAZ-C blaCMY -2 C
NC5.1ctx R2 ST131 CAZ,CTX,CRO, FOX AMP-CAZ-XNL-S-SXT–T blactx, str B, sul1, tet(A), tet (M) B2
SW2.3 ctx R2 ST1625 Negative AMP-AMC-CTX-C-AZ-XNL blaCMY -2 Bl
NC5.3 R3 ST2721 Negative A-AMC-XNL-CF-S-T blaCMY -2 str B, tet (A) Cryptic Clade III,IV,V
NC6.2 R3 ST58 ND No resistance No resistance Bl
NC 6.7 R3 ST10 Negative AMP-CAZ-XNL-C-NA-S-T blaCMY -2blashv, strB, tet(B) A
SW2.4 R3 ST83 Negative AMP-AMC-CAZ-XNL-NA-SPT-S-T blacmy-2strB B2
NC5.2 R3 ST1204 Negative AMP-AMC-XNL-CF-S-T blaCMY -2 blashv, str A,strB, tet (M) D
RP3.1ctx R3 Unknown CAZ-CTX-CRO, FOX AMP-CTX-XNL-NA-SPT-S-SXT-T blactx, aadA,sull, tet(M) E
RP3.1 (Box) R3 ST5463 Negative AMP-CTX-XNL-CF-NA-SPT-S-SXT-T blashv, str A, sul1, tet (B) E
RP3.2 R4 ST58 Negative AMP-AMC-CTX-XNL-ENO-NA-N blaCMY -2 Bl
RP3.5 (CAT) R4 ST469 Negative AMP-XNL-CF-NA-S blatem, strA Bl
SW2.2 R4 ST1065 Negative AMC-CTX-CF-S bla, strA,strB B2
SW2.4 R5 ST1850 Negative AMP-AMC-CAZ-CF-XNL-S-SXT-C blaCMY.2 strB, sull A
RP3.6 R5 Unknown Negative CF-XNL blaCMY C
RSI.3 6/16/2017 Unknown CAZ-CTX-CRO-CF AMP-CAZ-CF-XNL-S-SXT-C blactx, tet(B), str A sul1 E
RS2.1 Mcoli 4/6/2018 ST297 CAZ-CTX-CRO-FOX-CF AMP-AMC-CAZ-CF-CRO blactx B1

Selected because they had same mdh (282 bp) sequence (Ivanetich et al., 2006). AR, antibiotic resistance; ST, Sequence Type. R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 are collection dates from 8/20/14, 9/17/14, 1/21/15, 2/27/15, 4/5/15, respectively. RS2.1 Mcoli was an isolate with the bla ctx gene that was found in the summer of 2018 (June–August) from two rounds of sampling that screened 15 isolates. ∗∗Indicate isolates that had both bla ctx-M and bla cmy-2 genes.