Figure 3. OT units are bidirectionally modulated by odor-directed attention.
(A) Histological confirmation of recording locations in the OT. The dorsal-ventral and medial-lateral spans of the micro-drivable arrays are shown (red outline) within the grey outlined OT (n = 4 rats). Front panel: +2.20mm; back panel: +1.7mm relative to bregma. (B) A representative odor-excited single unit (blue), which displayed an increase in firing rate (FR) during the preparatory (hold) and stimulus presentation (odor). This FR was enhanced with odor-directed attention (bottom versus top). (C) A representative odor-inhibited unit (red), which displayed a decrease in FR during the preparatory (hold) and stimulus presentation (odor). This decrease in FR was further suppressed during odor-directed attention. Single-unit activity (SUA) was sorted from the multi-unit activity (MUA); the tetrode waveforms for each of the sorted units are in the upper right hand corner of their respective trace (scale: 100μV, 0.5ms). Peri-stimulus time histograms (PSTHs) are shown below the traces as averages across the tone (top) and odor-directed attention trials (bottom). These averages include only correct trials, from a single trial type (Odor B + tone off), taken from criterion performance blocks (≥80%) in either tone (top) or odor (bottom) attention. Raster plots include the first 30 of these correct trials.