Figure 1.
Physicochemical characterization of exosomes. (A) Dynamic light scattering (DLS) of unlabeled human mesenchymal stromal cell-derived exosomes (Naive-Exo, blue line) and gadolinium-labeled exosomes after extrusion through polycarbonate membrane (Exo-GdL, red line). Note that after extrusion, a more homogenous size distribution was observed. (B) Nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) of Naive-Exo (blue line) and Exo-GdL (red line). No size differences were found when Naïve-Exo were compared with Exo-GdL, but there was a trend for Exo-GdL to be larger than Naive-Exo (66 nm vs. 70 nm). (C) Z-potential (ZP) of Naïve-Exo (blue line) and Exo-GdL (red line). No change in surface charge was seen due to gadolinium labeling, although a trend was noted for increased negative surface charge (-16.0 mV vs. -19.7 mV). (D) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM): Negative staining of Naive-Exo. Note that most particles are less than 100 nm. (E) TEM: Positive staining of Exo-GdL particles. Note that the size of Naive-Exo and Exo-GdL particles are similar. Calibration bar in panels D and E is 100 nm. In the table, data is presented as averages ± one standard deviation.