Figure 3. Bhlhe40 regulates a distinct set of genes related to alternative activation in LPMs.
a,b, Gene expression microarray data were analyzed for genes differentially expressed by ≥2-fold (a) and expression of a macrophage alternative activation gene signature in Bhlhe40+/+ and Bhlhe40−/− LPMs (b). c, Flow cytometry of Embigin-1 expression and quantitation of geometric mean fluorescence intensity (gMFI) on LPMs (pooled from 4 experiments, n=8 Bhlhe40+/+, 7 Bhlhe40−/−; 1 experiment, n=3 LysM-Cre− Bhlhe40fl/fl, 4 LysM-Cre+ Bhlhe40fl/fl). d, Flow cytometry of Clec10a expression and frequency of Clec10a+ LPMs (pooled from 6 experiments, n=19 Bhlhe40+/+ and 21 Bhlhe40−/−; 4 experiments, n=10 LysM-Cre− Bhlhe40fl/fl and LysM-Cre+ Bhlhe40fl/fl). e Flow cytometry of Lyve-1 expression and frequency of Lyve-1+ LPMs (pooled from 7 experiments, n=22 Bhlhe40+/+, 24 Bhlhe40−/−; 5 experiments, n=11 LysM-Cre− Bhlhe40fl/fl and LysM-Cre+ Bhlhe40fl/fl) from Bhlhe40+/+, Bhlhe40−/−, LysM-Cre− Bhlhe40fl/fl, and LysM-Cre+ Bhlhe40fl/fl LPMs. f,g, MSigDB C5 gene set enrichment was analyzed using the lists of genes expressed at ≥1.5-fold in Bhlhe40+/+ vs. Bhlhe40−/− (f) or Bhlhe40−/− vs. Bhlhe40+/+ LPMs (g). h, qRT-PCR of Maf and Mafb expression relative to Hprt in Bhlhe40+/+ and Bhlhe40−/− LPMs (pooled from 2 experiments, n=5 Bhlhe40+/+, 4 Bhlhe40−/−). i, Gene expression microarray data were analyzed for shared and unique Bhlhe40-dependent genes in Bhlhe40+/+ and Bhlhe40−/− LPMs and AMs (≥2-fold differentially expressed, depicted as a Venn diagram). Heat map depicts all genes differentially expressed by ≥2-fold in Bhlhe40+/+ and Bhlhe40−/− AMs. Microarray data from LPMs (n=3/group) and AMs (n=2/group) are from a single experiment. Data in c-e,h are mean ± s.e.m; each symbol represents an individual mouse (c-e,h). *P ≤ 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001, (c-e,h) unpaired two-sided Student’s t-test and (f,g) one-sided hypergeometric test.