Maximum growth rates (μ) of reference E. coli isolates in plant extracts. μ were calculated using the Baranyi model for the reference E. coli isolates in spinach (A) or lettuce (B) apoplast (circles), leaf lysate (triangles), and root lysate (diamonds) extracts or in alfalfa (circles) or fenugreek (triangles) sprout lysate extracts (C), with RDMG (diamonds) as a no-plant-extract control, at a temperature (T) of 18, 20, or 25°C. Each point is the average rate (n = 12), with standard errors indicated by bars. P value summaries from multiple-comparison analysis by isolate versus MG1655 or by extract type versus RDMG are provided in Tables S1b and S1c in the supplemental material, respectively.