Extended Data Figure 8 |. Image processing for the cryo-EM data of nanodisc-embedded LptB2FG and LptB2FGC with vanadate.
a, Representative cryo-EM image of vanadate-trapped LptB2FG in nanodiscs. b, 2D class averages of cryo-EM particle images of vanadate-trapped LptB2FG in nanodiscs. c, 2D class averages of cryo-EM particle images of vanadate-trapped LptB2FGC in nanodiscs. d, Image processing workflow of vanadate-trapped LptB2FG. e, Image processing workflow of vanadate-trapped LptB2FGC. After the first round of 3D classification, all particles classified into the best classes in the final 5 iterations (indicated as “5 cycles”) were kept for further processing. EM data collection and 2D classification were performed once.