FIG 4.
Change in Golgi pH correlates with the LMW HD mutant of IBV E. (A) HeLa cells transiently expressing pHluorin-TGN38 alone or with IBV E or HD mutants were evaluated by flow cytometry, and the average calculated pH values from 3 independent experiments are graphed (∼5,000 cells each). (B) HeLa cells transiently expressing medial-Golgi-tagged pHluorin, GnT1-pHluorin, with IBV E or HD mutants were evaluated by flow cytometry, and the average calculated pH values from 3 independent experiments are graphed (∼5,000 cells each). Unpaired t tests were performed in Prism at 99% confidence, with an assumption of equal variance. **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001. Error bars indicate SEM.