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. 2019 May 22;19:624. doi: 10.1186/s12889-019-6954-3

Table 5.

Sensitivity analysis of score of IDSR adequacy by modifying the numerical values of the item calculated codes of the 15 weekly reported diseases by the IDSR in DRC

Ty. Disease Score Modifying the numerical values of the item codes **
I Cholera 19* 17 23 27 12 32
Measles 16 15 20 24 11 29
BD 14 12 # 17 # 20 # 9^ 22 #
HF 14 12 # 16 # 18 # 11^ 22 #
II NT 12 11 15 20^ 8 21
MPX 12 11 13^ 18 8 21
AFP 11 10 15 14 9^ 19
Pertussis 10 10 13 18^ 8 20^
Plague 10 10 12 17^ 7 20^
MNG 10 9 11 14 7 17
ARI 9 9 10 # 16^ 7 18^
YF 8 7 # 8 # 13 # 4 # 13 #
III Malaria 7 7 9^ 11 6^ 14^
TF 5 5 6 9 4 10
Rabies 4 4 5 7 3 8

AFP Acute flaccid paralysis, ARI Acute respiratory infections, BD Bloody diarrhoea, Cont. Contagiousness, DLN Disease Local Name, DRT Death rate (%) without Treatment, HF Hemorrhagic fevers, IFR internationally funded research, IP Incubation period, MNG Meningitis, MPX Monkeypox, NER Number of epidemics reported each year during the last five years, NIEP National/International eradication programs, NT Neonatal tetanus, OD Onset disease, PAE Proportion of health zones affected by epidemics of each of the 15 diseases (%), PPV Positive predictive value, SAP symptoms in the acute phase, Response Response Characteristic, TF Typhoid fever, TR Timely Response, YF Yellow fever

a * All values in the colons refer to the Table 3

b ** see Table 2

c Type I: SIA > = 14; Type II: SIA = 8–13; Type III: SIA < 8

d ^, Number in bold denote SIA value that changes the rank of the disease in the same type

e #, Number in bold denote SIA value that changes the type of disease