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. 2019 May 8;286(1902):20190345. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2019.0345

Table 2.

Full and minimum adequate (final) general linear models after stepwise deletion of non-significant terms and scaling of numeric parameters, testing for drivers of individual sex ratios. Individual, paternal, and maternal factors are considered. Individual f offspring, father f, and mother f represent the coefficient of inbreeding of the individual, the father, and mother, respectively (n = 883). Father and mother age at conception is measured in days. The following two-way interactions (father.age.conception*father.f; mother.age.conception*mother.f; individual f*gen; father.f*gen; mother.f*gen) were included and tested for significance in the full and minimum adequate models, but none had a significant effect on sex at birth (p > 0.5 in all cases). Full model: null deviance: 1.213 on 882df. Residual deviance: 1191 on 870df. AIC: 1217. Final model: residual deviance: 1198 on 878df. AIC: 1207.

estimate s.e. z p
full model term
 intercept −0.250 0.069 −3.587 <0.001
f individual −0.1806 0.074 −2.430 0.015
f father 0.138 0.071 1.938 0.052
f mother −0.054 0.074 −0.720 0.471
 generation −0.192 0.075 −2.546 0.011
 father age at conception −0.010 0.075 −0.139 0.889
 mother age at conception 0.076 0.078 0.969 0.332
 father number offspring 0.041 0.079 0.517 0.605
 mother number offspring −0.106 0.088 −1.199 0.230
final model term
 intercept −0.224 0.068 −3.284 0.001
f individual −0.191 0.070 −2.707 0.007
f father 0.147 0.069 2.110 0.034
 generation −0.183 0.070 −2.623 0.009