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. 2011 Jul 6;2011(7):CD008122. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008122.pub2

Kar 1998.

Clinical features and settings Presenting signs and symptoms: People attending a malaria clinic
Previous treatment for malaria: No exclusion criteria based on prior antimalarial drug use; this information was recorded for each participants, but no data is presented
Clinical setting: Malaria Clinic at a Malaria Research Centre
Country: India (Chennai, Tamil Nadu)
Malaria endemicity: Perennial
Malaria endemic species:P. falciparum and P. vivax
Participants Sample size: 93
Age: Not mentioned either as an inclusion criteria or characteristic of participants
Sex: Not mentioned either as an inclusion criteria or characteristic of participants
Co‐morbidities and pregnancy: No information presented on co‐morbidities or pregnancy
Parasite density of microscopy positive cases: Less than 100 parasites per μl in 3 cases; between 100 and 1000 in 8 cases, over 1000 in 34 cases
Study design Enrolment was prospective. The sampling method was not described. One RDT was tested.
Target condition and reference standard(s) Target condition: Malaria parasitaemia
Reference standard: Microscopy thick blood films
Person(s) performing microscopy: Not stated
Microscopy setting: Malaria clinic at malaria research centre
Number of high power fields examined before declaring negative: Not stated
Number of observer or repeats: Not stated
Resolution of discrepancies between observers: Not applicable
Index and comparator tests Commerical name of RDTs: ParaSight‐F (Beckton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA)
Parasite(s) designed to detect:P. falciparum
Designated Type: Type 1
Batch numbers: Not stated
Transport and storage conditions: Not described
Person(s) performing RDT: Not stated
RDT setting: Malaria clinic at malaria research centre
Follow‐up Not applicable
Notes Source of funding: Not stated
Table of Methodological Quality
Item Authors' judgement Description
Representative spectrum? 
 All tests Unclear All participants were attending a malaria clinic, but their symptoms were not described and the sampling method was not described
Acceptable reference standard? 
 All tests Unclear Study report did not state who performed the microscopy, how many observers or repeats were used, or how many high power fields were viewed before declaring a slide negative
Partial verification avoided? 
 All tests Yes All participants who received the index test also received the reference test
Differential verification avoided? 
 All tests Yes The same reference test was used regardless of the index test results
Incorporation avoided? 
 All tests Yes The index test does not form part of the reference standard
Reference standard results blinded? 
 All tests Unclear Blinding not described
Index test results blinded? 
 All tests Unclear Blinding not described
Uninterpretable results reported? 
 All tests Unclear The numbers of participants originally enrolled in the study was not clearly stated, therefore it is unclear whether there were any exclusions due to invalid test results
Withdrawals explained? 
 All tests Unclear The numbers of participants originally enrolled in the study was not clearly stated, therefore it is unclear whether there were any withdrawals