Figure 3.
Receiver operating characteristics curve for S100B and intracranial lesions. Time since ECMO initiation was re-categorized into defined time intervals, during which one patient contributed one S100B value. One ROC curve was generated for each time interval, using intracranial lesion as dependent variable and S100B values during the time interval as independent variable. Here, the time interval of 24–48 h from ECMO initiation is depicted, demonstrating that S100B conferred an AUC value of 0.812 (CI: 0.628–0.997) meaning that S100B is a significant predictor of intracranial lesion among ECMO patients at this time point. Threshold analysis yielded a cut-off level for S100B of 0.69. ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; CI, confidence interval; ROC, receiver operating characteristics.