Figure 2.
Estimated statistical powers for GLMM-MiRKAT/aGLMM-MiRKAT based on the random slope model with Gaussian, Binomial or Poisson responses (n = 50) (Unit: %). L: low within-cluster correlation ( = ); M: medium within-cluster correlation ( = ); H: high within-cluster correlation ( ). KJ: Jaccard dissimilarity; KBC: Bray-Curtis dissimilarity; KU: Unweighted UniFrac distance; K0.5: Generalized UniFrac distance (θ = 0.5); KW: Weighted UniFrac distance; adaptive: adaptive GLMM-MiRKAT (aGLMM-MiRKAT). P1, P2, P3, and P4 represent the four different association scenarios: P1. = {50 random OTUs in lower half of abundance}; P2. = {50 random OTUs}; P3. = {50 random OTUs in upper half of abundance}; P4. = {A random cluster among 10 clusters partitioned by PAM}. (A) Gaussian (L); (B) Gaussian (M); (C) Gaussian (H); (D) Binomial (L); (E) Binomial (M); (F) Binomial (H); (G) Poisson (L); (H) Poisson (M); (I) Poisson (H).