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. 2003 Apr 22;2003(2):CD000218. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000218
Methods Patients were randomised into 5 groups.
No details of the procedure given, placebos were not used.
Participants Symptomatic women attending a family planning clinic and a female outpatient clinic in Kenya who agreed to take the medications in the clinic and to come back for follow up were enrolled.
Women with obvious clinical problems were excluded.
Interventions The women were divided into 5 groups: Group 1: Nimorazole 2 g, oral single dose. Group 2: Nimorazole 3 g, oral single dose. Group 3: Nimorazole 4 g, oral in two doses 24 hours apart Group 4: Tinidazole 2 g, oral single dose Group 5: Ornidazole 1.5 g, oral single dose.
Advice on coital abstinence was withheld on purpose to find out those who had sex between the treatment and follow up visit.
Outcomes Parasitological cure on day 3. Clinical cure (defined as absence of any 3 of the initial symptoms that were present). Side effects.
Notes Diagnosis by wetmount smear.
121 out of 153 women came for follow up on day 3 (21% loss to follow up).
A further 49 women were excluded from analysis because they had sexual intercourse during the study period.
Results reported for 47% of all women enrolled.