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. 2006 Apr 19;2006(2):CD005966. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD005966
Date Event Description
21 July 2008 Amended Converted to new review format with minor editing.
15 August 2006 New search has been performed 2006, Issue 4: References to the Cochrane Reviews for pre‐erythrocytic vaccines and blood‐stage vaccines added.
6 February 2006 New citation required and conclusions have changed 2006, Issue 2: The original review of malaria vaccines (Graves 2003) has been divided into three parts: SPf66, pre‐erythrocytic, and blood‐stage vaccines. This review includes only SPf66 trials; because of this change the text of the review has been completely rewritten. No new trials of SPf66 have been added since the original review, although additional publications from previously included trials have been added. The SPf66 trials have been subgrouped into Africa, South America, and Asia, instead of just the former two categories, for some outcomes. The second year of follow up for two trials in The Gambia has been added. Risk ratio is used as the default measure of effect.